This wonderful herb is filled with vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium.
The leaves of the basil plant can be eaten straight from the plant, as long as they are washed to remove dirt or other unwanteds from the leaf. When eating the leaves the stomach becomes strengthened and perspiration may be cut down. In addition, just by eating the leaves phlegm can be removed from the bronchial passageways.
When mixed with a couple of drops of coconut oil, or other carrier oil, basil as antiseptic properties so it can be used to help heal ulcers, cuts, wounds and bug bites.
Other uses for basil include:
Basil is high in phytonutrients and healing oils. By boiling the leaves into a tea and then drinking it, every few hours it will help to alleviate fever.
Colds and Coughs:
Just by chewing a few leaves or drinking a tea made of dried basil leaves relief can be found from colds, coughs or sore throats.
To feel relief from stress, try chewing up to 12 leaves two times a day.
When suffering from a headach place one tablespoon of dried basil leaves in two cups of hot water in a large pot. Then cover the head with a towel, lean in, carefully, over the pot and breath this in for five to ten minutes.
Essential Oils
There are also many uses for Basil essential oil. ****Remember essential oils are not made to be taken internally****
Basil essential oil has been used to treat indigestion, constipation, respiratory problems, nausea, motion, sickness.
Just by diffusing, or inhaling a drop or two from a clean cloth, anxiety will seem to melt away.
As someone that suffers from migraines, I have used basil essential oil from time to time to ease the pain. Just by diffusing it or by massaging it into the temples, the base of the neck or other areas of pain, really helps.
Place 1-2 drops in a carrier oil, such as coconut oil (about 3 drops) to apply to insect stings, or cuts.
To aid in carpal tunnel place this mixture on the areas that are effected and massage with moderate pressure toward the heart along the tendons and muscles.
A beauty tip for basil is to place one to drops of basil essential oil to any shampoo to help cut down on oily hair.
As with any herbs or medicines, it is always a good idea to check with a physician before using basil regularly as a treatment for any ailment.