Friday, April 3, 2015

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been used for millennium by many different cultures. According to Web MD, it has been used for healing and softening skin, constipation and for skin disorders.
It can also be taken as a juice, latex, which works as a very strong laxative. However, those that have heart conditions need to take care and check with their physicians as it can lead to other troubles.
As with most items, there can be side effects or risks that will need to be watched for. It can cause skin irritation. Or if taken orally it can lead to cramping or diarrhea. Those that are allergic to garlic, onions or tulips may be allergic to aloe vera.
I checked various locations around the internet and discovered on How Stuff Works a list of 40 ways to use aloe vera. I encourage anyone interested to check out the site. Here are just a few of the ways to use it.
It is great to apply topically to treat minor burns, or for a scald it can be mixed with vitamin E to be applied as a person prepares to see their physician. When stung by a bee or a mosquito, applying a little of aloe vera can help reduce or eliminate the resulting pain or itch.
It can also be applied to help fight athlete’s foot, or to help relieve blisters.

Aloe and Honey Mask
This handy little recipe can be made very easily with equal proportions of honey and aloe gel. For example, one tablespoon of each can be mixed in a bowl. Then this can be applied to any place where the acne is. Let it stand for about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.
More can be made just make sure the ratio is 1:1 and that the ingredients are pure without any other chemicals added.

Aloe can also be used as a lotion, either by itself or by placing it in a favorite lotion recipe. It can also be used on the hair, in a conditioner.

Aloe Hair Conditioner
This wonderful plant can also be used as a deep conditioner on the hair. Take one of the leaves off a plant, then scrape it with a knife and apply the gel directly to the hair. Work it in from the roots to the ends of the hair and then let it set, wrapped up in a towel, for up to 25 minutes. Finally, rinse it with warm water and marvel in the wonderful texture of the hair. Wow!

Aloe Scrubs
We Love Aloe has several scrubs that can be made with Aloe also. Just remember that if the gel is coming directly from the plant, to only use the amount that is needed to help spare the plant.

Fruit and Sugar Scrub
Place one cup of white sugar, two tablespoons citrus juice such as lemon, lime or grapefruit, use 2 drops of the same type of essential oil in a bowl and stir. Add four tablespoons jojoba oil, two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and two tablespoons aloe vera gel.
This can then be placed on the skin and used to exfoliate by scrubbing. When rinsing, to get the best results begin with warm water and gently allow it to become cooler until it is cold. Gently pat the skin dry and seal the extras in a jar for another time.

Have fun experimenting with this wonderful plant in other skin products to enjoy a refreshing and toning new item. 

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