Monday, February 23, 2015


A liquid extract from a plant is commonly known as a tincture, however to use the dried herbs it is best to create a tincture from alcohol and the herbs. The alcohol helps with dissolving the plant parts and it is a perservative, so the tincture can be kept for up to five years.

The end result of the tincture should be made up of at least 20% alcohol. Vodka is generally used to create a tincture, due to the fact that there is not a taste with it. Other alcohols include whisky, brandy or rum. Wine can be used but will not work as well. The alcohol helps the herbs to quickly enter the bloodstream whie it offers a warmth.

To create a tincture, a glass jar needs to be filled with the desired herb and then filled with the alcohol. Another method is to place the items in a blender before placing in a glass jar. After bottling the tincture, place the bottle in a dark, cool place for one day to one month. After this time, strain the tincture and place it in a bottle.

This mixture can be stored very easily in a cool place.

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